Monday, November 4, 2019

Chnage Management and Communication Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Chnage Management and Communication Plan - Essay Example Customers demand increased demand for larger production of plastics as Fortune 1000 enterprise recognized (Robbins & Judge, 2011). Riordan manufacturing functions in bureaucratic and a system based on formal power structures. According to Riordan manufacturing (Organisations charts Executive), a narrow span of control displays the information. Product base and manufacturing decision are only based on a central view. The formal power structures in Riordan are mechanically based in nature thereby a managerial hierarchy chain of command works .the structures that have a narrow span of control affects negatively the company. Power structures currently at Riordan manufacturing are employee development without any job satisfaction and internal growth. With a company staff over a thousand then, company needs to create and effective and efficient computer utilization system to speed processing among departments, employees and customers (Robbins & Judge, 2011). Riordan Manufacturing needs to keep a competitive edge in order to stay competitive by implementing a formal system to manage customer information that has been traditionally been completed by employees. The power and political structures do affect employee behavior. The channels of communication are efficient and cost effective to the organization. Riordan manufacturing based on formal power structures can work efficiently if communication levels and management develops a plan diversified to increased job satisfaction by improving channels of communication. The formal power structures should not exist. Riordan manufacturing company should create a local area network, and connection of an intranet system to enhance efficient communication among departments and suppliers. The network would have a department specific access code and information based on the functionality of the site. Improving the communication is a way suppliers can see

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