Tuesday, December 31, 2019

My Interest in Studying Entrepreneurship - 835 Words

The career path I chose to follow was entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is increasing in popularity as many more countries and organizations are trying to get their youth engaged at an early age with entrepreneurship with the express purpose of ensuring that innovation and entrepreneurship will thrive in the future (Mark). I want to become a successful entrepreneur because it has always been a dream of mine to become self-employed. I believe I have the leadership, passion, courage, vision, and persistence to start my own business and be successful. The corporate landscape is ever-changing, presenting new challenges for entrepreneurs (Hanna, 2012). According to Lisa Mitchell, Vice President of advancing innovation for the Ewing Marion†¦show more content†¦there are several methods you have to take care of to protect your salary. You need to start a method of knowing how to pay yourself enough money to meet your basic living concerns. Your concerns may be bill payments, food payments, and or etc. A major concern is living expenses. In order to protect your salary, you need to have a personal balance sheet that puts together all your living expenses and credit cards with long and short term goal balances. Although, you have to make sure your income is enough to pay over your expenses and making sure nothing is being left out. After you make your balance sheet, add all the expenses together so you will know how much money you need to pay yourself. That briefly tells you your basic worth. â€Å"For instance, suppose you are making $15 per hour at your current job. At $15 per hour, your annual pay would be $31,200. Your annual pay of $31,200 would then be divided by 12, resulting in a monthly income of $2,600. At the time you are determining your basic worth, the rate of inflation is four percent. Multiply four by four, and the percentage which you will add to your current monthly income is 16 percent. Your basic worth would be $36,192 annually.†(Pay ing yourself: From, 2011). Some people also take in consideration of giving themselves a raise. In order to become a successful entrepreneur, you have to be a highly motivated individual. It is important to haveShow MoreRelatedMy Case For Acceptance Into The Program Essay1037 Words   |  5 PagesUniversity of California, Berkeley in Management of Organisations is my best pathway towards that. In the following paragraphs, I hope to present my case for acceptance into the program. My interest in understanding and studying human beings led to pursue a BA in Sociology. It was that very same interest, combined with my experiences with work and entrepreneurship which led me an MSc in Work and Organisational Psychology. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Introduction. In Term Three Of The Practical Nursing Program

Introduction In term three of the practical nursing program we started our first placement in a hospital setting. During the second week of placement we went out onto our assignment floors and got to shadow a nurse. That morning I went to see all of the patients that my nurse had for the day to introduce myself and tell them if they need anything to let me know. One of the patients that morning was crying, so I had went up to her asked what was wrong, her response was I have been sitting in my own stool since 6am, I rang my call bell and no one has came. This type of situation was a moral dilemma, the patient is unable to change her own brief and the nurse was not nearby to do so. As a student nurse I was unable to do a bed bath and†¦show more content†¦A brief is suppose to be changed at least 5-8 times a day or immediately after it s been soiled. After a brief change it is important to clean the area properly to prevent any infections. A urinary tract infection can occu r if a patient stays in their soiled brief for an extended amount of time or if they are not cleansed properly. Another consequence with having a soiled brief is that you could be at risk for skin breakdown. As stated Too much moisture over-hydrates the skin, making it weak and more sensitive to friction, shear and breakdown (think about being in the tub or pool for a long time). Primary sources of excess skin moisture include sweating, bowel and bladder accidents, and drainage from wounds (Skin Health: Prevention and Treatment of Skin Breakdown,2011). Therefore, if a healthcare provider does not attend to a soiled brief immediately, risk for infection and skin breakdown will occur. My personal/ professional values and beliefs In this situation I felt that it conflicted with me on a personal and professional level, being a student nurse and also a women. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Concepts Of Absolute And Comparative Advantage Free Essays

Let us take an example of two farmers who are producing the same type of commodities, which are ground nuts and maize, from the same size of farms. If the two farmers decide to devote all their efforts in producing maize, their farm outputs will be as follows: farmer A – 600 bags; and farmer B – 200 bags. If they allocate their resources well and produce ground nuts, their output will be as follows: farmer A – 300 bags, and farmer B – 200 bags. We will write a custom essay sample on Concepts Of Absolute And Comparative Advantage or any similar topic only for you Order Now We can say that that farmer A enjoys absolute advantage in producing both maize and groundnuts than farmer B. The two farmers can however still benefit from each other through specialization and commodity exchange. Farmer A has a comparative advantage in producing maize while farmer B has comparative advantage in producing groundnuts due to opportunity cost of production in both farms. Based on current economic conditions, make one argument in favor of more government involvement in the economy and one argument in favor of less government involvement in the economy. For many governments, involvement in their respective economies is important. This is because the governments can ensure that producers are not exploited due to lack of market for their products in by enhancing trade with other countries. The governments will thus procure ready markets for that product in other countries, hence promoting the economy in their home countries. Moreover, governmental involvement in their countries’ economies is important because it can ensure that business activities are regulated for a free enterprise and competition. Governments may also fight corruption in private sectors to ensure that consumers are not exploited by the large producers and monopolies. Diminishing marginal utility explains a lot about human behavior. For example, it helps illuminate why diets fail, romances fade, too much exercise harms us, and many other things. Select a human behavior and construct a â€Å"mini case study† that highlights the workings of marginal utility. Take an example one being thirsty and instead of drinking water, deciding to go to a nearby kiosk or shop to drink a cold soda. The first soda they get may be very good or appetizing until they decide to take another one. For the first soda taking, on a scale of ten, the person can even score ten out of ten. For the second soda, since they have somehow quenched their thirst, they can score five out of ten. If they continue to take another soda, they can even not finish it and now score two out of ten. Read the LAST Word piece â€Å"Financing Social Security† listed below. Of the alternative approaches to repairing social security, which do you think makes the most sense, and why? As part of your answer find a recent (less than a year old) article on the subject and cite it. The approach that makes the most sense is investing the payroll taxes through personal retirement account. This approach is important because it can improve the standard of living of employees in the future after they have retired from work. Employees will be able to properly structure their incomes besides being allowed to get used in future to any need during their time of retirement. They may thus either start their own business or incase of death arises; they can leave those funds for their families. An advantage of using this approach is that new employees, who will perhaps be earning low incomes as compared to the old employees, will have to contribute fewer taxes toward the security fund. They will however continue increasing their remittances as their payroll will continue to rise up. Those funds must also be deducted throughout one’s life until they retire from your job. People will thus start receiving the benefits of that scheme, or in case of they die, their spouses or dependants can enjoy that benefit. Another importance is that workers of any income level are allowed to contribute to this scheme and build nest eggs for their families. Personal retirement accounts are voluntary and young workers have an opportunity to open and continue with them for future benefits which could be a worth a presentable sum of money. How to cite Concepts Of Absolute And Comparative Advantage, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Assembly Drawing Essay Example For Students

Assembly Drawing Essay HOW to create an assembly drawing. ? HOW to create a standard parts shell Key Points. ? Assembly drawings show how individual parts fit together to make a machine. A standard parts sheet contains purchased items. Copyright CHECK by K. Planters Restricted use only 12, 1) Definitions Assembly Drawing What is an assembly drawing and why do we need them? An assembly drawing is a drawing of an entire machine or system with all of its components located and identified. We need to know how to put the machine together. Parts List (Bill Of Materials) Part#s Subassembly Drawing Subassembly: Two or more parts that form a portion of an assembly. Can you think of some examples of subassembly? A car differential A motorbike engine ? A compressor in an AC Definitions Does an assembly drawing normally show size? No. Its job is to locate parts. How do we show the size of an individual part? A detail drawing is a drawing of an individual part, which includes an orthographic projection and dimensions Copyright 02007 by K. Planters Restricted use only Working Drawing Package Working Drawing Package: A packet Of drawings that gives the specifications accessory to manufacture a design. A typical working drawing package A standard part sheet includes; contains information about ? an assembly drawing, purchased items and will not ? detailed drawings, be discussed in this course. ? and a standard parts sheet. Copyright 02007 by K. Planters Drawing Order Drawings included in a working drawing package should be presented in the following order, ? ? ? ? ? Assembly drawing (first sheet) Part Number 1 Part Number 2 Standard parts sheet (last sheet) Copyright @2007 by K. Planters Restricted use only 12. 2) Views Used in Assembly Drawings Selecting View. Does an assembly drawing need a FRONT, TOP and RIGHT SIDE view? Sometimes We need as many views as it takes to identify and locate each part. ?It may only take one view. Needed 3 views to locate all Of the parts. Needed only 1 view to locate all of the parts. Sectional Views Sectional views are used quite often when drawing assemblies, Why? Assemblies often have parts fitting into or overlapping other parts and we need to lo ok inside the assembly to see clearly. Section Hatch in Assemblies Section Hatch: Section hatch in adjacent parts are drawn in opposing directions. ? In the largest area, section hatch are drawn at AS ? Next largest 135 450) Additional areas = 300 and 600 Smaller areas = The distance between the section hatch may also be varied to further distinguish between parts. Copyright 02007 by K. Planters Restricted use only Exercise 12-1 Section hatch in assemblies Draw the section hatch for the assembly shown. Copyright 02007 by K. Planters Restricted use only Fill in the section hatch is the largest area. Fill in the section hatch is the 2nd largest area. Fill in the section hatch is the next largest area. _so Pill in the section hatch is the last area. 300, smaller spacing 12. 3) Things to Include/ Not Include Things to Include / Not Include When deciding what to include in an assembly drawing remember; ? The purpose of an assembly drawing is to show how the individual parts fit together. ? It is not used as a manufacturing print. The assembly drawing should not look overly cluttered. ? Some lines that are necessary in a detailed drawing may be left off the assembly drawing to enhance clearness. Hidden Lines DO we include hidden lines? Usually ? They should be used wherever necessary for clearness. ? They should be left off when they impair clearness. ? When a section view is used, hidden lines should not be used in that view. Dimensions Do we include dimensions? Usually not ? a rule, dimensions are not given on assembly drawings, ? If dimensions are given, they are limited to some titillation tooth object as a whole. Identification Ballooning: A part is located and identified, in an assembly drawing. Y using a circle containing the part number and a leader line that points to the corresponding part. Leader lines point to the corresponding part. Balloons containing part numbers. Balloons are placed in orderly horizontal or vertical rows. The leader lines; . Should not cross, . Be as parallel as possible. Parts List / Bill of Material The parts list is an itemized list of the parts that make up the assembled machine. Parts lists contain the part number, part name, the number required and the material of the part. .u6c1e67635226be8c1085f891aed4ea0a , .u6c1e67635226be8c1085f891aed4ea0a .postImageUrl , .u6c1e67635226be8c1085f891aed4ea0a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6c1e67635226be8c1085f891aed4ea0a , .u6c1e67635226be8c1085f891aed4ea0a:hover , .u6c1e67635226be8c1085f891aed4ea0a:visited , .u6c1e67635226be8c1085f891aed4ea0a:active { border:0!important; } .u6c1e67635226be8c1085f891aed4ea0a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6c1e67635226be8c1085f891aed4ea0a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6c1e67635226be8c1085f891aed4ea0a:active , .u6c1e67635226be8c1085f891aed4ea0a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6c1e67635226be8c1085f891aed4ea0a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6c1e67635226be8c1085f891aed4ea0a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6c1e67635226be8c1085f891aed4ea0a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6c1e67635226be8c1085f891aed4ea0a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6c1e67635226be8c1085f891aed4ea0a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6c1e67635226be8c1085f891aed4ea0a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6c1e67635226be8c1085f891aed4ea0a .u6c1e67635226be8c1085f891aed4ea0a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6c1e67635226be8c1085f891aed4ea0a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Kinds of Oblique Drawing EssayParts lists contain the Other information can be included, such as, stock sizes of materials and weights Of the parts. Parts are listed in order of their part#. Part#s are usually assigned based on the size or importance of the part. The parts list may be placed in the upper right corner of the drawing. Part# 1 is at the top, The parts list may be placed in the lower right corner of the drawing. Part* I is at the bottom. 12. 4) Standard Parts Standard Parts Standard parts include any part that can be bought off the shelf.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Self Reliance By Emerson Essays - Self-Reliance, Ralph Waldo Emerson

Self Reliance By Emerson Self-Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson The quote that most provoked thought and emotion from within me comes from the essay Self-Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson. To be great is to be misunderstood was used by Emerson to explain the lagging growth of the conception of ideas and thoughts of his generation. Original and novel ideas were scorned by conservatives who believed the best method for learning was by repetition and memorization of proven classics written by previous generations. The continuing timelessness of his quote is still in effect today as the scientific community has evolved to accept unaccustomed theories, yet encounters difficulty when relating to the public new and extreme ideas that rebut the system.In history, the results of individualism has been spread world wide. Important leaders, thinkers, and philosophers with radical ideas in virgin areas of research were making significant finds rapidly. Yet progress was slowed by short-sighted men who failed to see greatness.Aberham Lincoln was a revolutionary in his time with his views on slavery and forgiveness of the South. Yet his death was the result of one man's refusal to accept what was once a proud and rich land reduced to tatters- left to ruin because of her failure to accept civil reform. Herman Melville's work in Moby Dick was considered a classic, yet Melville died a figure with lost prestige, poor and unaccepted. When he was laid to rest in 1891, he was remembered only as the author of entertaining novels of the South Seas. It was not until 1920s when his place in America's foremost writers was assured. His works are now great masterpieces of emotion that were misunderstood while he was still alive.Another important example is democracy. In medieval times, monarchies and kingdoms ruled the land. Today, the monarch is merely a figurehead behind the power of democracy. At the birth of the democratic rise of the United States of America, the colonists were thought of as upstart fools- dreamers believing the impossible. English royalists were aghast at the indignation of the colonies to separate from England and form their own country. In present day, the United States is the sole world power, a great country born out of dreams.Self-Reliance expressed the need for creative thinking. Society during Emerson's era resisted reform and scorned the reformer. Emerson saw individualism in direct conflict with society. The effect of society, he thought, was not to strengthen the individual, but to breed conformity and fear. Although he often criticized society, he stressed more importantly the openness of the individual through the soul. The quote To be great is to be misunderstood reflected upon the lack of acceptance of new thought and theory during his time. Bibliography Emersons Self reliance

Monday, November 25, 2019

Understanding the Significance of Pandoras Box

Understanding the Significance of Pandora's Box A Pandoras box is a metaphor in our modern languages, and the proverbial phrase refers to a source of endless complications or trouble arising from a single, simple miscalculation. Pandoras story comes to us from ancient Greek mythology, specifically a set of epic poems by Hesiod, called the Theogony and Works and Days. Written during the 7th century BC, these poems relate how the gods came to create Pandora and how the  gift Zeus gave her ultimately ends the Golden Age of humankind. The Story of Pandoras Box According to Hesiod, Pandora was a curse on mankind as retribution after the Titan Prometheus stole fire and gave it to humans. Zeus had Hermes hammer the first human woman- Pandora- out of the earth. Hermes made her lovely as a goddess, with the gift of speech to tell lies, and the mind and nature of a treacherous dog. Athena dressed her in silvery clothing and taught her weaving; Hephaestus crowned her with a marvelous golden diadem of animals and sea creatures; Aphrodite poured grace on her head and desire and cares to weaken her limbs. Pandora was to be the first of a race of women, the first bride and a great misery who would live with mortal men as companions only in times of plenty, and desert them when times became difficult. Her name means both she who gives all gifts and she who was given all gifts. Never let it be said that Greeks had any use for women in general. All the Ills of the World Then Zeus sent this beautiful treachery as a gift to Prometheus brother Epimetheus, who ignored Prometheuss advice to never accept gifts from Zeus. In the house of Epimetheus, there was a jar- in some versions, it too was a gift from Zeus- and because of her insatiable greedy womans curiosity, Pandora lifted the lid on it. Out from the jar flew every trouble known to humanity. Strife, sickness, toil  and myriad other ills escaped from the jar to afflict men and women forever more. Pandora managed to keep one spirit in the jar as she shut the lid, a timid sprite named Elpis, usually translated as hope. Box, Casket or Jar? But our modern phrase says Pandoras box: how did that happen? Hesiod said the evils of the world were kept in a pithos, and that was uniformly employed by all Greek writers in telling the myth until the 16th century AD. Pithoi are huge storage jars that are typically partly buried in the ground. The first reference to something other than a pithos comes from the 16th-century writer Lilius Giraldus of Ferrara, who in 1580 used the word pyxis (or casket) to refer to the holder of evils opened by Pandora. Although the translation was not exact, it is a meaningful error, because a pyxis is a whited sepulcher, a beautiful fraud. Eventually, the casket became simplified as box.   Harrison (1900) argued that this mistranslation explicitly removed the Pandora myth from its association with All Souls Day, or rather the Athenian version, the festival of Anthesteria. The two-day drinking festival involves opening wine casks on the first day (the Pithoigia), releasing the souls of the dead; on the second day, men anointed their doors with pitch and chewed blackthorn to keep the newly released souls of the departed away. Then the casks were sealed again. Harrisons argument is bolstered by the fact that Pandora is a cult name of the great goddess Gaia. Pandora is not just any willful creature, she is the personification of Earth itself; both Kore and Persephone, made from the earth and rising from the underworld. The pithos connects her to the earth, the box or casket minimizes her importance. The Meaning of the Myth Hurwit (1995) says that the myth explains why humans must work to survive, that Pandora represents the beautiful figure of dread, something for which men can find no device or remedy. The quintessential woman was created to beguile men with her beauty and uncontrollable sexuality, to introduce falsehood and treachery and disobedience into their lives. Her task was to let loose all the evils upon the world  while trapping hope, unavailable to mortal men. Pandora is a trick gift, a punishment for the good of Promethean fire, she is, in fact, Zeuss price of fire. Brown points out that Hesiods story of Pandora is the icon of archaic Greek ideas of sexuality and economics. Hesiod didnt invent Pandora, but he did adapt the story to show that Zeus was the supreme being who shaped the world and caused the misery of the human lot, and how that caused human descent from the original bliss of a carefree existence. Pandora and Eve At this point, you may recognize in Pandora the story of the Biblical Eve. She too was the first woman, and she too was responsible for destroying an innocent, all-male Paradise and unleashing suffering ever after. Are the two related? Several scholars including Brown and Kirk argue that the Theogony was based on Mesopotamian tales, although blaming a woman for all the evils of the world is definitely more Greek than Mesopotamian. Both Pandora and Eve may well share a similar source. Sources Edited and updated by K. Kris Hirst Brown AS. 1997. Aphrodite and the Pandora Complex. The Classical Quarterly 47(1):26-47.Harrison JE. 1900. Pandoras Box. The Journal of Hellenic Studies 20:99-114.Hurwit JM. 1995. Beautiful Evil: Pandora and the Athena Parthenos. American Journal of Archaeology 99(2):171-186.Kirk GS. 1972. Greek Mythology: Some New Perspectives. The Journal of Hellenic Studies 92:74-85.Wolkow BM. 2007. The Mind of a Bitch: Pandoras Motive and Intent in the Erga. Hermes 135(3):247-262.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Global Marketing Plan Report in Saudi Arabian market Assignment

Global Marketing Plan Report in Saudi Arabian market - Assignment Example The company wants to enter in the market of Saudi Arabia. In this context, the market of Saudi Arabia will be analysed with respect to different parameters. The analysis of the market will help to bring out the potential and threats of the market for the international business operations. This report will assist to provide details about marketing opportunities and potentials for the global business environment. Background of Argos Ltd Argos Ltd is the UK based retail firm that operates as a multi-channel retailer recognised for delivering value, choice and convenience to the customers. The company offers general merchandise and products for home through their 700 stores located in the UK market and Republic of Ireland along with online and telephone assistance. During the financial year of 2010, the company had been able to generate more than ?4.30 billion with the workforce of 33,000 across the business segments. The company serves more than 130 million customers annually. They are able to generate sales through the internet that consists of 26% of the total sales. These are few of the reasons for selecting the company for the analysis (Argos Limited, 2011). Marketing Plan Considering the Business Environment In order to identify the various aspects of Saudi Arabian retail market, SWOT analysis will be conducted which will bring out strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats prevalent in the market. Strengths The Fast Moving Consumable Goods (FMCG) segment of Saudi Arabia shows huge potential. There are more than 24.20 million people out of which 7.0 million are non-Saudi residents consuming FMCG goods (Mousa, 2009). The retail sector of Saudi Arabia is expected to grow by a hopping US$ 125 billion by 2014 as there are several international brands planning to enter the retail market of Saudi Arabia. In the global retail ranking, Saudi Arabia has positioned itself in the ninth place. The market has been able to attract many international retailers and had overtaken well-known retail destinations such as Russia, Hong Kong and Japan. More than 43% of international brands are attracted towards this retail destination. The present micro as well as macro economic factors such as population growth and local infrastructural expenditure on new cities highlights Saudi Arabia’s rising influence as a retail destination to expand to (Sambidge, 2010). Weaknesses The economy is highly dependent upon oil industry. The fluctuation in the price of oil creates imbalance in the economic situation. In addition, there are several political threats that make the country’s environment unfavourable for business. There had been huge decrease in the employment rate in 2009 and its effect is still seen in current year by considerable extent.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Should driver's be allowed to use cell phones while driving Essay

Should driver's be allowed to use cell phones while driving - Essay Example NHTSA) survey reports that 44 percent of drivers have a phone with them when they drive, 7 percent have e-mail access, and 3 percent have facsimile capabilities. Those numbers are likely to increase. Other technologies that increase possible distractions will also be added to new vehicles, such as easily accessing the internet, getting directions electronically, and receiving real-time information on traffic patterns. With the growing use of modern mobile telephony among the world population, there has been fear of carelessness among users especially when driving. The fear is further compounded by the fact that the majority of mobile telephone users are the youthful generation. Another worrying aspect is that the growing middle class, whose population is also youthful. The growing middle class is associated with the increase in the number of vehicles on the roads. The youth have been described as relatively careless as compared with their older counterparts. The significant costs of mobile phone usage while driving is the increased risk of vehicle accidents, some leading to serious injury or death. It is estimated that up to 41,000 people die in vehicle accidents each year in the United States, with a bigger percentage being caused by drivers who use their mobile phones while driving. These concerns have led to increased call for a ban on the use of mobile phones while driving. This paper is inte nded to provide a cost-benefit analysis of a ban on mobile phone while driving. According to Cohen & Graham (2003), if there is total compliance to a ban on the use of mobile phones while driving, both the benefits and costs of using mobile phones while driving would be eliminated, therefore resulting to a zero-sum game. They also argue that the proportion of property-damage-only crashes, injuries and fatalities attributed to mobile phone usage are equal. Their study further argues that incremental crash risk is proportional to the time spent on the phone. This third

Monday, November 18, 2019

Overview of Information Systems and Technology Essay

Overview of Information Systems and Technology - Essay Example This paper presents a detailed overview of business management technologies for Riordan Manufacturing. Riordan Manufacturing Corporation is now expanding and, as a result, it requires an excellent information technology based support for better management of its business. In fact, information technology based solution (i.e. information system) is the only choice for this kind of business management. This paper outlines specifications of the new information system for Riordan Manufacturing. Business Technology Needs and Solutions Riordan Manufacturing requires an information technology based solution to effectively manage its business operations. The company has different offices located at different locations. The business desires to expand the company’s IT infrastructure by setting up the IT system in new office. The business also requires new technology based systems connectivity to main business head office. For this purpose they need a web based technology that could allow them to assess and manage the business using internet. In this paper, we suggest Riordan Manufacturing to implement a corporate management information system. This kind of information system offers an excellent support for the management of corporate operations and working. In addition, this business also needs to implement a secure communication arrangement. This business network for online communication and collaboration will be a Virtual Private Network (VPN). Management Information System Management information system (MIS) is a combination of software and hardware utilized to handle and process corporate data and information automatically. In fact, a management information system is implemented inside an organization to allow many individuals to access data and information simultaneously. In addition, the MIS mostly works behind the scenes, and the client community is infrequently concerned or even aware of the procedures that are handled by the system (Schauland, 2012; Stair & Reynolds, 2003). MIS at Riordan Manufacturing This section of the paper discusses various uses of a management information system with respect to the business of Riordan Manufacturing. The business can implement an information system to allow its customers to place orders online. In addition, this system also offers an excellent support for the online payment of the bills for instance when a bill is planned to be paid. In this scenario, an MIS will offer us data and information intended for the system to perform against specified plan of payment. The MIS then performs operations according to the payment plan when the suitable date comes near. Additionally, the computerized process will be performed by the information system to disburse the bill as demanded. Moreover, when the bills inside an online bill payment system are planned can be automatically paid, and clients do not need to offer additional details and information. For Riordan Manufacturing Corporation, MIS will offer an excellent support for managing and updating staff details and also their preferred processes to maintain existing systems and applying new technologies inside the firm. An information system can also be used to manage the information regarding available stock. In this scenario,

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Examining The Importance Of CIO Surveys

Examining The Importance Of CIO Surveys Why do you think a CIO survey is important for the HMIS industry? Surveys of CIOs are important because the results promote an understanding and increased awareness of the HMIS industry. In a study conducted by IBM, CIOs spend about 55 percent of their time steering innovative activities such as implementing new technologies and business initiatives (Levein, 2009). Responsive to the challenges faced in planning, implementation and updated maintenance of systems in the current economic environment, these surveys promote insight to budget cuts, delayed spending, and increased demand for services with reduced resources faced by health organizations. Results of these studies provide a flavor for how CIO and HMIS executives pursue change management solutions that enable them to create lean strategic growth models as they anticipate aspects of future HMIS growth for the upcoming years. Results also indicate what CIOs perceive to be the main obstacles faced as well as areas of opportunity. As the economy transitions from recession to recovery and as healt h organizations revise their strategies from cost-cutting efficiency to value-added productivity, the surveys provide insight for future growth. Survey results help identify industry trends and provide insight from information technology (IT) product and service purchasers. 2. Predict what type of hardware investments would be considered key to HMIS future. Then check out the full survey results, and compare your prediction to the actual results. There are several hardware investments I believe will be considered key to HMIS future. The federal stimulus bill has promised billions of dollars in incentive payments to physicians and medical facilities that buy and use the electronic system so the first hardware investment that comes to my mind is an electronic medical record system. To promote its acceptance and utilization, the computers need to be reasonably powerful to run all the applications necessary to maintain clinical practice efficiency. Storage capacity of a centralized or distributed database is needed to archive large amounts of data. Central servers need to be powerful, and network or Internet connections fast and reliable. Updates to the solution architecture need to occur at the central server location with updates immediately available to all users. Compatibility or interoperability is also a necessity to link with other electronic clinical systems both within and outside the medical facility. Security mechanism s are required to protect client-specific information in an electronic environment. An extensive auditing system is required to monitor activity within the HMIS. I also believe there will be other electronic systems that place emphasis on quality care such as a clinical decision support system which assists clinicians apply new information to patient care and provides suggestions for how to manage a patientà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s condition. The results from this survey are consistent with my belief that an electronic medical record will be considered key to HMIS future. While I incorrectly assumed that a computerized provider order entry (CPOE) system was a standard component of the electronic medical record, the survey indicated that installing this type of system can, and is often considered a separate focus. Upon review of the alignment of organizational and IT strategic plans, I was quite surprised to see that almost half of the IT plans are not considered a component of the organizational plan. From my perspective, one cannot function effectively without the other. 3. Why do you think the results showed investment of EHR to be a top priority for CIOs in the coming year? I believe the reason why the results showed investment of EHR to be a top priority for CIOs in the coming year is because the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) intends to give health care organizations incentives to access federal funds to plan, design, and implement the infrastructure to promote the adoption and use of electronic health record systems and support health information exchange (HIE). This push will promote the implementation of interoperable health information technology over the next several years. In addition to financial incentives, it will also help to improve the overall quality and value of health care in the U.S. This will dramatically improve the continuity of care and informed medical decision-making. Why do you think those who work in a clinic/group practice are less concerned about Backup/Disaster Recovery than are those who work in a hospital/integrated delivery system? Do you think this is prudent? Why or why not? It is likely that those who work in a clinic/group practice may be less concerned about backup/disaster recovery than those who work in a hospital/integrated delivery system for a few reasons. What really drives the details of a recovery plan are the functions the medical practice needs to recover and how soon these functions must be available. Sadly, for some organizations, having a disaster recovery plan for remote and branch offices may not even exist. A clinic/group practice tends to deal with ambulatory out patients and may need minimal patient information along with the name and location of an alternate practice to refer patients. Another clinic/group may refer patients who require specialized care to another practice and continue handling routine appointments at an alternate site. Many medical practices continue to utilize a paper-based appointment scheduling system and/or a paper-based billing system. It is not uncommon for each personà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s medic al records to be scattered among all the medical facilities where care has been given. In comparison, hospital/integrated delivery systems may have a higher acuity of patients which places the institution at greater risk. Lives depend on the information in these records and losing access to them, even temporarily increases the potential for many patient safety issues that could be encountered. Many hospitals are already using electronic clinical systems that are critical to providing quality patient care. Many of these electronic systems are interfaced with each other. When considering disaster recovery, it is important to think beyond system failure and recovery; more importantly, the entire hospital needs to be considered. New advances in technology that exist in these types of practices generate more electronic data than in the past. Access to secure and reliable patient information is managed by IT personnel who are on staff to prevent most technical problems and support user needs. Hospitals and other health care facilities accredited by the Joint Commission are r equired to comply with published guidelines by having a business continuity/disaster recovery plan for all information systems (Owens Ahlstrom, 2008) When a disaster strikes, it is my belief that any medical practice must be able to retrieve valuable information through pre-established methods of disaster recovery. Disaster recovery depends on the complexity of the system however, all medical records, paper or electronic, need to be kept protected and secured in any type of disaster. Medical practices must get back up and running as quickly as possible to ensure patient safety and business continuity.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Star child evolution in 2001 :: essays research papers

The Evolution of the Star-Child   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Film both reflects and creates social culture. Indeed, a film indicates social trends, presents ideas, and analyzes history for its contemporary time period; thus, by viewing a film it becomes possible to infer and make judgments about a society's culture. The filmmaker's message is embedded within the plot and symbolism, and filmmakers often critique social culture through their movies. It is possible to view the evolution of culture through the progression of films over time.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Religious films in the pre-1968 era distinguish themselves as literal interpretations of the Old and New Testaments. America, in this era, held religion as central to everyday life. DeMille's â€Å"King of Kings† and similar movies that follow in form support this inference. Consider the context of DeMille's 1932 movies, â€Å"Sign of the Cross.† Depression and the great dustbowl were commonplace across America. The masses embraced religion and this is evident in the literal bible story films. Additionally, the righteous people in the films represented the working class people of America, and the blasphemers represented the elite minority. They were usually powerful, corrupt, and sometimes Jewish. American culture has evolved as technology has advanced. In 1968, the paradigm of religion in film shifted with the release of Kubrick's â€Å"2001: A Space Odyssey.† Rebellion, social activism, drugs, sex and most importantly, technology, dominated social culture. Kubrick's film challenges all previous religious film movies, yet this epic movie contains powerful symbols that reflect the changes in social thought. Thus far, evolution of movies and culture has been discussed. â€Å"2001: A Space Odyssey† is interesting because Kubrick realizes this concept of cultural evolution. Thus, he created his movie to embody this concept and manifest itself in man as a physical being. The underlying theme of Kubrick's movie is evolution: the progression of monkeys to humans, humans to machines (HAL), machines to the star-child. That â€Å"2001† concedes to evolution validates science and technology, while it detracts from religion. Thus, this slow paced film indicates the inevitable evolution of all things. The star-child, spurred by the monolith, represents the destiny of humans as they evolve with technology. The monkeys loose their innocence and become corrupted when the monolith presents itself. This is because the monolith prompts the monkeys to explore ways in which odds and ends in nature may be utilized; in other words, the monkeys develop tools. The monolith is not a deity in the sense that it is a physical creator.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Online Enrolment System

Introduction Background of the study: Automation and online transaction is not relatively new here in our country and more so abroad. In fact it is a growing fad abroad and is beginning to crop up in our country gradually, where bank transactions, business dealings and buying and selling take place. It is very convenient to do online transactions because one does not have to actually be in the supermarket, department store, drugstore or bookstore in order to buy things needed.All it takes is a computer that has an internet connection, and one can instantly place the order. Sooner or later, the product is at the doorstep. Online enrollment is to a certain extent a new fad. The Online Enrolment system of the Ateneo de Zamboanga University serves as a vital part in the life of every student upon entering the university, it gives the student the impression on how the whole institute manages and manipulate in the entire body.The Online enrolment system provides less time consuming and dat a consistency, it stores details of students, year, and section. The enrolment is designed for authorized user of the school office that enables them to produce information required by the different people in the school. Computerized systems help the organization to flourish their everyday life. It is important in such a way that it benefits not only the students but the administration as a whole. It lessen the workload, and provides accurate information.Last June 2012, the Ateneo de Zamboanga University implemented the online enrolment system to lessen the enrollment time, speeds up file management, and minimize inaccuracies and errors. Online Enrolment system is a good example of computer generated process. This can lessen the workload and provides accurate information needed of the university. As a result, it will benefit not only the student but the company as a whole. This study that we are doing is to define the benefits of the students, the advantage and disadvantages, and th e Impact to the students here in the Ateneo.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

John Deere Time line Essay

Deere married his first wife, Demarius Lamb, in January 1827. The newlyweds perceived to have 5 children, Francis Albert, Jeanette, Ellen, Francis Alma and Charles. Demarius’s past away and Deere married Lucinda Lamb, in June 1867. They had four children together Emma, Hiram, Alice and Mary. John Deere was an Illinois blacksmith from the Midwest and inventor. John Deere realized the wood and cast iron plow invention currently being used was weak and not working to its full ability. 1837- John Deere invents the first steel plow in his shop located in grand detour, IL. This let the pioneer farmers cut cleaner and faster furrows through the Midwest’s sticky prairie soils. 1838- John Deere evolved into John Deere, manufacturer co. 1842- John Deere business added retailing, taking orders for the patent Cary Plow. 1843- Deere and Leonard Andrus become â€Å"co-partners in the art and trade of blacksmithing, plow-making and all things thereto†¦Ã¢â‚¬  1848- The growing plow business moves to Moline, Illinois, 75 miles southwest of Grand Detour. Moline offers water power and transportation advantages. Deere chooses a new partner, Robert N. Tate, who moves to Moline and raises the rafters on their three-story blacksmith shop by July 28. 1849 A work force of about 16 builds 2,136 plows. 1852 Deere buys out his partners. For the next 16 years, the company is known variously as John Deere, John Deere & Company, Deere & Company, and Moline Plow Manufactory. 1853 Sixteen-year old Charles, Deere’s only living son, joins the firm as a bookkeeper following graduation from a Chicago commercial college. 1858 The business totters during a nationwide financial panic. Maneuverings to avoid bankruptcy shuffle ownership and managerial arrangements. John Deere remains president, but power passes to 21-year-old Charles Deere. He will run the company for the next 49 years. 1863 The company makes the Hawkeye Riding Cultivator, the first Deere implement adapted for riding. 1864 John Deere obtains the company’s first actual patent for moulds used in casting steel plows. Another follows in a few months and a third the next year. 1867 Charles Deere sues Candee, Swan & Co., a competitor, for trademark infringement. The case has precedent-setting implications for trademark law. Could Deere preempt the word â€Å"Moline† which it has been using in its advertising, so that no similar product could incorporate it? The ultimate answer is no. The Walking Cultivator is patented in August 1867. Although farmers might prefer riding, the lower cost of this unit makes it sell even though the man has to walk in soft ground while straddling a row of corn. 1868 After 31 years as a partnership or single proprietorship, the concern is incorporated under the name Deere & Company. There are four shareholders at first, six within a year. Charles and John Deere control 65 percent of the stock. 1869 Charles Deere and Alvah Mansur establish the first branch house, Deere, Mansur & Co., in Kansas City. A semi-independent distributor of Deere products within a certain geographic area, it is the forerunner of the company’s current farm and industrial-equipment sales branches and sales regions.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

22 Famous Quotes for Easing Heartbreak

22 Famous Quotes for Easing Heartbreak When lovers fight, they often say nasty things to each other. Words fly out without thought or reason  and end up hurting their relationship. In extreme cases, love is shredded to pieces, and the couple breaks up. Did you ever hurt the person you loved? Did you say unwanted things? If you have hurt someone you loved, you have committed a grave folly. It is not easy to repair this mistake. Hurting a person you love may temporarily give you some relief, but it will leave you empty. Sometimes, your loved one ends up so badly hurt that it affects them to the core. She could harden up, and never again expose her vulnerability to you. She may shut herself, not just to you, but also to the rest of the world. If you have hurt someone deliberately or unknowingly, it is time to seek forgiveness. You may have to go to great lengths to win over her trust once again. To be truly repentant, you have to promise yourself never to hurt your loved one again. Watch your words even when you are in a fit of temper. Weigh the pros and cons of every word you utter. If you want to express your anger at an event, target the incident and not the person. Do not make personal comments that slander a persons race, gender, caste, creed, intellect, appearance, character or family. Read these hurting love quotes to understand more about love and hurt. Be sensitive to anothers pain, and feel their sorrow. Mignon McLaughlin In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing Mario Puzo, Fools Die Do you believe a man can truly love a woman and constantly betray her? Never mind physically but betray her in his mind, in the very poetry of his soul? Well, its not easy but men do it all the time Henry Rollins Dont do anything by half. If you love someone, love them with all your soul. When you go to work, work your ass off. When you hate someone, hate them until it hurts Kahlil Gibran Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation Natasha Gregson Wagner Falling in love for the first time, and then the heartbreak of having it end, is difficult, but I dont think it would ever hurt as much as when my mother was killed in the boating accident. I feel a part of my heart has already been broken, and that place is reserved for mother Keith Urban For me, my gift is music, and I would probably play a song for them and let them find something in there that they connect with because everybodys struggles are different. Its easy for someone whos not going through it to say, Oh, well just hang in there, but I think its okay to be hurt and crushed and cry and be angry and frustrated - thats all part of it. I think people stopping you from doing that is not helpful at all. Its important to rally around people that love you, because you tend to I certainly tend to isolate myself away from people so as to not worry them, but the people that love you worry anyway, so, you may as well rally yourself around them and let them be there for you cause theres a huge chance that theyll need you some time too Edmund Spenser I hate the day because it lendeth light To see all things, but not my love to see Mary-Kate Olsen I miss him and I love him, and I dont speak with him anymore. Its a hurtful and painful subject Chester Brown I think people should have the legal right to hurt themselves without fearing that theyre going to get locked up for doing so. But on a personal level, if someone I loved was hurting himself or herself in front of me, I would, of course, try to restrain them J. R. R. Tolkien From Return of the Kings But I have been too deeply hurt, Sam. I tried to save the Shire, and it has been saved, but not for me. It must often be so, Sam, when things are in danger: someone has to give them up, lose them, so that others may keep them Barbara Mandrell By our Heavenly Father and only because of God, only because of God. Were like other couples. We do not get along perfectly; we do not go without arguments and, as I call them, fights, and heartache and pain and hurting each other. But a marriage is three of us Rupert Brooke I thought when love for you died, I should die   Its dead. Alone, most strangely, I live on Jennifer Aniston I throw myself into love because I believe in it, but when things dont work you have to take responsibility. You all know things have gone wrong for me. Everybody has laughed, everybody has had a knock at me. It hurts, it always does Tara Reid I wish all the mean people if you want to be mean to each other, just buy a country together and blow each other up. Then wed have no terrorists left. Like, dont kill innocent people for no reason. Its not fair. We love everybody. Wed even like them if they said theyre sorry. Its not fair that innocent people are getting hurt. It makes me sad Janine Turner I wrote my childrens book because I believe there are children that are hurting and may need to know that there is love out there for them- Gods love Francois Duc de La Rochefoucauld, Maxims In jealousy, there is more self-love than love Samuel Butler But is it not Tennyson who has said: Tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have lost at all? Anne Hathaway Ive worked with people and Ive known people that were really competitive but Ive always said that I take an Elizabeth Bennett philosophy of life I laugh. I love my job but if it means hurting someone, I wont do it James Matthew Barrie Let no one who loves be unhappy even love unreturned has its rainbow Roy Orbison Love hurts, love scars, love wounds, and mars Thomas Campbell My love lies bleeding Charlie Brown Nothing takes the taste out of peanut butter quite like unrequited love.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Chnage Management and Communication Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Chnage Management and Communication Plan - Essay Example Customers demand increased demand for larger production of plastics as Fortune 1000 enterprise recognized (Robbins & Judge, 2011). Riordan manufacturing functions in bureaucratic and a system based on formal power structures. According to Riordan manufacturing (Organisations charts Executive), a narrow span of control displays the information. Product base and manufacturing decision are only based on a central view. The formal power structures in Riordan are mechanically based in nature thereby a managerial hierarchy chain of command works .the structures that have a narrow span of control affects negatively the company. Power structures currently at Riordan manufacturing are employee development without any job satisfaction and internal growth. With a company staff over a thousand then, company needs to create and effective and efficient computer utilization system to speed processing among departments, employees and customers (Robbins & Judge, 2011). Riordan Manufacturing needs to keep a competitive edge in order to stay competitive by implementing a formal system to manage customer information that has been traditionally been completed by employees. The power and political structures do affect employee behavior. The channels of communication are efficient and cost effective to the organization. Riordan manufacturing based on formal power structures can work efficiently if communication levels and management develops a plan diversified to increased job satisfaction by improving channels of communication. The formal power structures should not exist. Riordan manufacturing company should create a local area network, and connection of an intranet system to enhance efficient communication among departments and suppliers. The network would have a department specific access code and information based on the functionality of the site. Improving the communication is a way suppliers can see

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Multicultralism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Multicultralism - Essay Example As the first man found his way to the trunk, he stroked the beast, calming and reassuring it that they meant no harm. The others eventually found the animal, and they spent most of the afternoon stroking and feeling the pachyderm in order to determine just what an elephant is, and to build a clear image in their own minds. As the sun began to set, the animal meandered off, leaving the men to discuss their experience. The four were each excited, and burst into chatter as they found their way back to the path which led to their village. "What a majestic beast the elephant is," said the first. "An elephant is like a large tree, strong and unbending; only with skin hard and strong rather than rough bark." This man had been holding the elephant's leg, and could only visualize the creature in terms he could compare to a familiar object. "A tree, did you get lost in the forest again" asked the second. "An elephant isn't like a tree. It is long, and winding. An elephant has many rumples up and down its back, and when it breaths, the moist air is like a windstorm." This man had been grasping the elephant's trunk, and he was sure that his encounter with the beast was the correct one. The other two added to the argu... The fourth had encountered snakes before, and this elephant was no more impressive than these. The four men became so heated in their debate, defending their own positions rather than listening to the others that their conversation ended in stony silence. Eventually, as they came across different paths in the jungle the men separated. Each decided that he could better experience the jungle by themselves than to continue company with a group of blind and ignorant men. Sadly to say, none of the men made it out of the jungle alive. Blind and alone, they made easy prey to the land's natural predators. This fable is an accurate illustration of the current multicultural debate. The parties debate who social order should be arrayed as a result of a multicultural mindset. The factions fight over verbiage, stereotypes, and even the purpose of educational, political and social order in order to defend their own perspective. While each faction has its own piece of accurate truth, the idea of creating a culture together is quickly becoming lost in the disagreement. As a result, our culture is more at risk of loosing the strength and protective power it once had when all our citizens were working for a common good, for a common goal, for a strong and prosperous economic and social structure which provided opportunity for all its citizens. Defining the elephant Harrison gives this rather vague definition. "Multiculturalism...is a theory (albeit vague) about the foundations of a culture rather than a practice which subsumes cultural ideas." (Harrison, 1984) His input is about as helpful as asking directions from one of the proverbial blind men. But the idea is that a multicultural mindset is one which recognizes, and even promotes the