Tuesday, December 31, 2019

My Interest in Studying Entrepreneurship - 835 Words

The career path I chose to follow was entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is increasing in popularity as many more countries and organizations are trying to get their youth engaged at an early age with entrepreneurship with the express purpose of ensuring that innovation and entrepreneurship will thrive in the future (Mark). I want to become a successful entrepreneur because it has always been a dream of mine to become self-employed. I believe I have the leadership, passion, courage, vision, and persistence to start my own business and be successful. The corporate landscape is ever-changing, presenting new challenges for entrepreneurs (Hanna, 2012). According to Lisa Mitchell, Vice President of advancing innovation for the Ewing Marion†¦show more content†¦there are several methods you have to take care of to protect your salary. You need to start a method of knowing how to pay yourself enough money to meet your basic living concerns. Your concerns may be bill payments, food payments, and or etc. A major concern is living expenses. In order to protect your salary, you need to have a personal balance sheet that puts together all your living expenses and credit cards with long and short term goal balances. Although, you have to make sure your income is enough to pay over your expenses and making sure nothing is being left out. After you make your balance sheet, add all the expenses together so you will know how much money you need to pay yourself. That briefly tells you your basic worth. â€Å"For instance, suppose you are making $15 per hour at your current job. At $15 per hour, your annual pay would be $31,200. Your annual pay of $31,200 would then be divided by 12, resulting in a monthly income of $2,600. At the time you are determining your basic worth, the rate of inflation is four percent. Multiply four by four, and the percentage which you will add to your current monthly income is 16 percent. Your basic worth would be $36,192 annually.†(Pay ing yourself: From, 2011). Some people also take in consideration of giving themselves a raise. In order to become a successful entrepreneur, you have to be a highly motivated individual. It is important to haveShow MoreRelatedMy Case For Acceptance Into The Program Essay1037 Words   |  5 PagesUniversity of California, Berkeley in Management of Organisations is my best pathway towards that. In the following paragraphs, I hope to present my case for acceptance into the program. My interest in understanding and studying human beings led to pursue a BA in Sociology. It was that very same interest, combined with my experiences with work and entrepreneurship which led me an MSc in Work and Organisational Psychology. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Introduction. In Term Three Of The Practical Nursing Program

Introduction In term three of the practical nursing program we started our first placement in a hospital setting. During the second week of placement we went out onto our assignment floors and got to shadow a nurse. That morning I went to see all of the patients that my nurse had for the day to introduce myself and tell them if they need anything to let me know. One of the patients that morning was crying, so I had went up to her asked what was wrong, her response was I have been sitting in my own stool since 6am, I rang my call bell and no one has came. This type of situation was a moral dilemma, the patient is unable to change her own brief and the nurse was not nearby to do so. As a student nurse I was unable to do a bed bath and†¦show more content†¦A brief is suppose to be changed at least 5-8 times a day or immediately after it s been soiled. After a brief change it is important to clean the area properly to prevent any infections. A urinary tract infection can occu r if a patient stays in their soiled brief for an extended amount of time or if they are not cleansed properly. Another consequence with having a soiled brief is that you could be at risk for skin breakdown. As stated Too much moisture over-hydrates the skin, making it weak and more sensitive to friction, shear and breakdown (think about being in the tub or pool for a long time). Primary sources of excess skin moisture include sweating, bowel and bladder accidents, and drainage from wounds (Skin Health: Prevention and Treatment of Skin Breakdown,2011). Therefore, if a healthcare provider does not attend to a soiled brief immediately, risk for infection and skin breakdown will occur. My personal/ professional values and beliefs In this situation I felt that it conflicted with me on a personal and professional level, being a student nurse and also a women. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Concepts Of Absolute And Comparative Advantage Free Essays

Let us take an example of two farmers who are producing the same type of commodities, which are ground nuts and maize, from the same size of farms. If the two farmers decide to devote all their efforts in producing maize, their farm outputs will be as follows: farmer A – 600 bags; and farmer B – 200 bags. If they allocate their resources well and produce ground nuts, their output will be as follows: farmer A – 300 bags, and farmer B – 200 bags. We will write a custom essay sample on Concepts Of Absolute And Comparative Advantage or any similar topic only for you Order Now We can say that that farmer A enjoys absolute advantage in producing both maize and groundnuts than farmer B. The two farmers can however still benefit from each other through specialization and commodity exchange. Farmer A has a comparative advantage in producing maize while farmer B has comparative advantage in producing groundnuts due to opportunity cost of production in both farms. Based on current economic conditions, make one argument in favor of more government involvement in the economy and one argument in favor of less government involvement in the economy. For many governments, involvement in their respective economies is important. This is because the governments can ensure that producers are not exploited due to lack of market for their products in by enhancing trade with other countries. The governments will thus procure ready markets for that product in other countries, hence promoting the economy in their home countries. Moreover, governmental involvement in their countries’ economies is important because it can ensure that business activities are regulated for a free enterprise and competition. Governments may also fight corruption in private sectors to ensure that consumers are not exploited by the large producers and monopolies. Diminishing marginal utility explains a lot about human behavior. For example, it helps illuminate why diets fail, romances fade, too much exercise harms us, and many other things. Select a human behavior and construct a â€Å"mini case study† that highlights the workings of marginal utility. Take an example one being thirsty and instead of drinking water, deciding to go to a nearby kiosk or shop to drink a cold soda. The first soda they get may be very good or appetizing until they decide to take another one. For the first soda taking, on a scale of ten, the person can even score ten out of ten. For the second soda, since they have somehow quenched their thirst, they can score five out of ten. If they continue to take another soda, they can even not finish it and now score two out of ten. Read the LAST Word piece â€Å"Financing Social Security† listed below. Of the alternative approaches to repairing social security, which do you think makes the most sense, and why? As part of your answer find a recent (less than a year old) article on the subject and cite it. The approach that makes the most sense is investing the payroll taxes through personal retirement account. This approach is important because it can improve the standard of living of employees in the future after they have retired from work. Employees will be able to properly structure their incomes besides being allowed to get used in future to any need during their time of retirement. They may thus either start their own business or incase of death arises; they can leave those funds for their families. An advantage of using this approach is that new employees, who will perhaps be earning low incomes as compared to the old employees, will have to contribute fewer taxes toward the security fund. They will however continue increasing their remittances as their payroll will continue to rise up. Those funds must also be deducted throughout one’s life until they retire from your job. People will thus start receiving the benefits of that scheme, or in case of they die, their spouses or dependants can enjoy that benefit. Another importance is that workers of any income level are allowed to contribute to this scheme and build nest eggs for their families. Personal retirement accounts are voluntary and young workers have an opportunity to open and continue with them for future benefits which could be a worth a presentable sum of money. How to cite Concepts Of Absolute And Comparative Advantage, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Assembly Drawing Essay Example For Students

Assembly Drawing Essay HOW to create an assembly drawing. ? HOW to create a standard parts shell Key Points. ? Assembly drawings show how individual parts fit together to make a machine. A standard parts sheet contains purchased items. Copyright CHECK by K. Planters Restricted use only 12, 1) Definitions Assembly Drawing What is an assembly drawing and why do we need them? An assembly drawing is a drawing of an entire machine or system with all of its components located and identified. We need to know how to put the machine together. Parts List (Bill Of Materials) Part#s Subassembly Drawing Subassembly: Two or more parts that form a portion of an assembly. Can you think of some examples of subassembly? A car differential A motorbike engine ? A compressor in an AC Definitions Does an assembly drawing normally show size? No. Its job is to locate parts. How do we show the size of an individual part? A detail drawing is a drawing of an individual part, which includes an orthographic projection and dimensions Copyright 02007 by K. Planters Restricted use only Working Drawing Package Working Drawing Package: A packet Of drawings that gives the specifications accessory to manufacture a design. A typical working drawing package A standard part sheet includes; contains information about ? an assembly drawing, purchased items and will not ? detailed drawings, be discussed in this course. ? and a standard parts sheet. Copyright 02007 by K. Planters Drawing Order Drawings included in a working drawing package should be presented in the following order, ? ? ? ? ? Assembly drawing (first sheet) Part Number 1 Part Number 2 Standard parts sheet (last sheet) Copyright @2007 by K. Planters Restricted use only 12. 2) Views Used in Assembly Drawings Selecting View. Does an assembly drawing need a FRONT, TOP and RIGHT SIDE view? Sometimes We need as many views as it takes to identify and locate each part. ?It may only take one view. Needed 3 views to locate all Of the parts. Needed only 1 view to locate all of the parts. Sectional Views Sectional views are used quite often when drawing assemblies, Why? Assemblies often have parts fitting into or overlapping other parts and we need to lo ok inside the assembly to see clearly. Section Hatch in Assemblies Section Hatch: Section hatch in adjacent parts are drawn in opposing directions. ? In the largest area, section hatch are drawn at AS ? Next largest 135 450) Additional areas = 300 and 600 Smaller areas = The distance between the section hatch may also be varied to further distinguish between parts. Copyright 02007 by K. Planters Restricted use only Exercise 12-1 Section hatch in assemblies Draw the section hatch for the assembly shown. Copyright 02007 by K. Planters Restricted use only Fill in the section hatch is the largest area. Fill in the section hatch is the 2nd largest area. Fill in the section hatch is the next largest area. _so Pill in the section hatch is the last area. 300, smaller spacing 12. 3) Things to Include/ Not Include Things to Include / Not Include When deciding what to include in an assembly drawing remember; ? The purpose of an assembly drawing is to show how the individual parts fit together. ? It is not used as a manufacturing print. The assembly drawing should not look overly cluttered. ? Some lines that are necessary in a detailed drawing may be left off the assembly drawing to enhance clearness. Hidden Lines DO we include hidden lines? Usually ? They should be used wherever necessary for clearness. ? They should be left off when they impair clearness. ? When a section view is used, hidden lines should not be used in that view. Dimensions Do we include dimensions? Usually not ? a rule, dimensions are not given on assembly drawings, ? If dimensions are given, they are limited to some titillation tooth object as a whole. Identification Ballooning: A part is located and identified, in an assembly drawing. Y using a circle containing the part number and a leader line that points to the corresponding part. Leader lines point to the corresponding part. Balloons containing part numbers. Balloons are placed in orderly horizontal or vertical rows. The leader lines; . Should not cross, . Be as parallel as possible. Parts List / Bill of Material The parts list is an itemized list of the parts that make up the assembled machine. Parts lists contain the part number, part name, the number required and the material of the part. .u6c1e67635226be8c1085f891aed4ea0a , .u6c1e67635226be8c1085f891aed4ea0a .postImageUrl , .u6c1e67635226be8c1085f891aed4ea0a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6c1e67635226be8c1085f891aed4ea0a , .u6c1e67635226be8c1085f891aed4ea0a:hover , .u6c1e67635226be8c1085f891aed4ea0a:visited , .u6c1e67635226be8c1085f891aed4ea0a:active { border:0!important; } .u6c1e67635226be8c1085f891aed4ea0a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6c1e67635226be8c1085f891aed4ea0a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6c1e67635226be8c1085f891aed4ea0a:active , .u6c1e67635226be8c1085f891aed4ea0a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6c1e67635226be8c1085f891aed4ea0a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6c1e67635226be8c1085f891aed4ea0a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6c1e67635226be8c1085f891aed4ea0a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6c1e67635226be8c1085f891aed4ea0a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6c1e67635226be8c1085f891aed4ea0a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6c1e67635226be8c1085f891aed4ea0a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6c1e67635226be8c1085f891aed4ea0a .u6c1e67635226be8c1085f891aed4ea0a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6c1e67635226be8c1085f891aed4ea0a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Kinds of Oblique Drawing EssayParts lists contain the Other information can be included, such as, stock sizes of materials and weights Of the parts. Parts are listed in order of their part#. Part#s are usually assigned based on the size or importance of the part. The parts list may be placed in the upper right corner of the drawing. Part# 1 is at the top, The parts list may be placed in the lower right corner of the drawing. Part* I is at the bottom. 12. 4) Standard Parts Standard Parts Standard parts include any part that can be bought off the shelf.